
Friday, November 2, 2012

Oh Sandy

Hi all, still without power.  I think everything in the fridge and freezer is a goner.  I hope things get a little more normal next week.  Things are going to be colder the next few days so I really hope the power company can work wonders for a lot of people. My thoughts and prayers go out to those who lost so much more.

Traina-Norell  Vogue Sept 1944 Rawlings


  1. Dear Joanna, I'm deeply sorry to hear about what you and your family have been enduring at the hands of Mother Nature. Under different circumstances (power outages and once a broken fridge) we've lost everything in our fridge and freezer, too, and I know what a stressful, and often expensive, experience that can be.

    Keeping you in my thoughts and sending out tons of wishes for the return of normal weather.

    ♥ Jessica

  2. Just looking at that photo makes me feel warm. She knows how to wear a turban!

  3. Ugh I hate that this is happening to you and so many others. I hope that things get cleared up soon too! My thoughts are with you and your family! xox

  4. Will be praying for you and all the others on the east coast.

  5. Oh, Joanna....I'm sorry things are so rough right now.

  6. Thank you all for your kind words:)
