I've been really interested in deco fashion of late and I thought it would be fun to try a finger wave. I've been also fascinated with the movies of the 20's and 30's. Gloria Swanson is my new movie screen fascination. Boy, did she exude glamour. Remarkable, beautiful woman. More on this icon in a future post.
This will be my very first attempt at finger waves and I'm not expecting grandeur. If I get a small little flitter of a wave, I'll be happy.
I went to Sally's Beauty Supply over the weekend and picked up some wave clips and gel. I think the wave clips will make all the difference. I also watched a few tutorials on YouTube but boy can they get complicated..sweep your hair this way, sweep your hair that way while holding fingers in place...holy moley! I think this is the easiest and best tutorial.
It was also funny while I was in Sally's there was a beautician (another customer) in there who knew how to do finger waves so if I'm a total failure I'm going to her salon for her to show me. The sales lady who worked the Sally's counter was actually quite rude and unknowledgeable. I told her I was looking for a liquid styling gel to do finger waves and I didn't remember the name of what I wanted and she was telling me should couldn't really help me then and she said all she had was a Queen Helene Styling Gel and she walked away from me without showing me where it was. Very rude. I did find the gel and I am trying this along with a Garnier Fructis Gel that I learned about from Haute Rocakabilly Fashionista. She also has a fabulous tutorial on her blog here. HRN, please come to my house and do my hair! I don't think I put in enough gel but we shall find out soon enough:)
Anyways, I digress... here is my latest creation of wave clips and alligator clips (as they call them)...stay tuned to see if anything of interest occurs lol.
Monday, February 25, 2013
Saturday, February 23, 2013
Mona Barrie - Spring Sun Time Vogue
I find movie and fashion photographs taken for promotion fascinating because you can really look at the details quite clearly even in the 20s and 30s. I'll be showcasing more in the future. This photograph is probably somewhere around 8 x 10 in size and is from 1936.
I thought it would be interesting to zoom in on various areas of the photograph to take in the details.
Actress Mona Barrie (1909-1964) in quite a few movies in supporting roles. So, she would have been about 27 at the time this photograph was made.
Excerpts From Description:
"Toga Scarf Jack _From For Afternoon Functions"
"Copper colored rice-crepe" "A simple one-piece" "Wrap-around affair with a scarf jacket that slips over the right arm and drapes across the left shoulder, revealing the chartreuse facing."
The description really gives you a feel for the color and the whole look. The description is also below in a scanned image.
Isn't this a lovely "before five" outfit?
-William Lambert 20th Century Fox stylist
I tried to look up the movie "Here Comes Trouble" but was unable to find any YouTube clips.

Isn't it crazy how you can zoom in and even catch some of the texture to the fabric? She looks a little sad in this picture, wouldn't you say?

Monday, February 18, 2013
Here's Where I've Been...
I've returned from a much needed burst of sunshine in Florida. I hope to catch up on things over the next couple of days. Please don't forget to enter the contest two posts below. Winner this Wednesday. I had such a great time in Florida and I've got lots of pictures to share.
Friday, February 15, 2013
Flashback Time
Please don't forget to enter the giveaway in the post below. There are a lot of great things that will be going to a nice vintage home. It ends next Wednesday so there is still lots of time.
In the meantime, how about a little vintage trek?
Dames 1934
Interesting interview with Ginger Rogers. Her eyes are so sparkling and youthful. The interviewer isn't that great but a interview worth seeing, regardless. It does make me curious about her auto biography. Have any of you read it?
In the meantime, how about a little vintage trek?
Dames 1934
Interesting interview with Ginger Rogers. Her eyes are so sparkling and youthful. The interviewer isn't that great but a interview worth seeing, regardless. It does make me curious about her auto biography. Have any of you read it?
Of course a Rogers and Astair dance, love her dress...
Stars of Tomorrow in 1933... interesting, check out Ginger Rogers
Saturday, February 9, 2013
Do You Have A Dream Dress Too?
How perfect is this dress? This dress was sold by the time I saw it. This is my dream swing dress. What a beauty! I love the sleeve length, the duel color scheme, cut, embellished bodice, the ruffled shoulders...everything! I can certainly see this dress being worn for a swing dance event. Now, why can't I go to Macy's and buy this dress today? <smile>
Do any of you have a vintage dream dress that you've seen either available or sold? I'd love to hear about it and post a link too:)
This dress is from Adored Vintage. They are also on Etsy. I'd love to visit this shop. If you are in Los Angeles, check it out and let us know.
We also made it through with no power outage. Such a great day!
I had a couple of fellow bloggers request a full image of the scarf I wore here. I bought this scarf on ebay for under $20. I'm thinking I would call this disco meets Marie Antoinette. lol. They sure look like they are all having a great time.
Do any of you have a vintage dream dress that you've seen either available or sold? I'd love to hear about it and post a link too:)
This dress is from Adored Vintage. They are also on Etsy. I'd love to visit this shop. If you are in Los Angeles, check it out and let us know.
We also made it through with no power outage. Such a great day!
Friday, February 8, 2013
Vintage Suits And Accessories
Well, today there is tons of snow falling but yesterday, I had the opportunity to take these photographs. It's so lovely with the snow falling, clinging onto the branches of the bushes and trees like a postcard picture. The only thing I am hoping doesn't happen is losing power. Ever since I lost power for about a week with the hurricane in October, I have fear of losing power:)
I wanted to share some images of a recent suit I bought for my Dior adventure. I wanted to capture images of this suit before I begin experimenting on it. I have this great vintage pattern on making padding and I intend to add this to the jacket. If any of you are interested, it is Vogue Pattern 7503 and it gives you patterns for the padding of the shoulders on suits, dresses, blouses, and dress hip pads. I hope this will work for my intended vision. I bought this 40s suit from Etsy for $50.
I had a little problem yesterday with static on my skirt so pardon the cling on some of the images. Luckily, there are no small pink socks from my daughter attached to the skirt because of static:)
All items are vintage 50's or earlier, except the bracelet (thinking 60's).
Suit - Etsy $50
Vintage Chiffon Scarf - I think Etsy
Vintage umberella (50's) -Ebay
Earrings/Necklace -Ebay $5
Gloves -Vintage shop Michigan
Shoes -Thrifted
Bracelet - $15 Ebay
If you really look at ebay, there are some really great finds for vintage jewelry.
I just love vintage umbrellas as you can see from some of my previous posts. I feel like they add a touch of style.
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I thought the inside of the jacket was interesting with a white and brown polka dot print.
I wasn't able to capture my earrings or necklace that I was wearing. I wanted to share a detailed image as I was rather proud of finding this on ebay for $5.00 (shipped). I'm thinking late 40's early 50's. The quality is really nice with this set and love the different color combinations.
You know how there are certain ads that just catch your attention. Well, this one has. Ever since I saw this ad for a Lisner necklace below, I was enthralled by it and have been trying to hunt down this necklace. I haven't come across this exact necklace (yet) but I thought the one above was quite similar...don't you? I still hope one day to also track this necklace down. It is from Vogue 1948. I know, good luck, right?
I've also added these new pins to Pinterest:
Lilli Ann Ad February 1956 Vogue. Sign me up ten times for that suit! I haven't seen an actual one before listed.
A dress with the exact matching umbrella? Talk about coordination:) Vogue in the later 1940's sure had a lot of eye candy.
Thursday, February 7, 2013
Knit Dress and Jacques Fath Scarf
I wore this knit dress for the vintage train expedition a couple months back but since it was so cold, I wore my coat the entire time and didn't get any pictures taken of the dress. This dress is a perfect wardrobe staple and is very timeless. You wouldn't think 1940's. I had been wanting a nice decent knit dress as a wardrobe staple piece and I happened upon this dress on etsy and I'm very happy with it. It has a side metal zipper and one up towards near the collar area. It's difficult to find a really good quality 30s, 40s knit dress that is under $100.
This scarf was a steal-of-a-deal on ebay. I've been using this fabulous scarf all winter and I think this is the vintage item that I am currently getting the most use out of. It's long and free flowing and the pattern is so me. The pattern is dancing ladies and men in sillouette. The scarf is Jacques Fath. I'm not quite sure how old it is but I know that I love it:) You know that you have a winner when both your mother and your six-year old daughter tell you that they wish they could have it. I hope one day to have a nice Jacques Fath staple in my wardrobe but until then, this accessory certainly fits the bill.
I am going to do a future post on Eisenberg jewelry as they are certainly my jeweler of choice. Listen to me I sound like I'm talking about Cartier or Van Cleef. Although many pieces are pricey for Eisenberg, you can still pick up earrings for around $20. I think this is what I paid for mine and they are from the 40's and still very much sparkle and shine. I think there are just some things that you should pay the extra buck to get the best quality from and Eisenberg is one of those gems. In addition, Eisenberg holds it's value. It's a very recognized name in the vintage costume jewelry world. It's amazing new world opening up to me:) I really do feel I'd much rather own a piece of quality vintage jewelry than something from the current day. I feel like there is a big art to jewelry making that has been lost in the present day, especially with costume jewelry. It's like it's meant to last for a few months and so cheaply made. I'd much rather spend the same amount on a 50's brooch.
In some upcoming posts, I will be exploring more vintage jewelry designers.
30's, 40's Tilt Hat: Etsy
40's Dress: Etsy (Designer: Merley) $90
Scarf: Ebay under $20 Jacques Fath.
Braclet, Earrings: Eisenberg
I think it is always rather interesting to show the black and white picture against it's color counter part.
Saturday, February 2, 2013
Happy Birthday Grand Central Station
Grand Central Station turned 100 years old this past Friday. Grand Central really is a magnificent piece of history and such a beautiful station. We are fortunate that it is still around today.
A link to some information on the grand opening of Grand Central.
If these walls could really talk?
This is the era of when Grand Central first opened. I believe this is just outside.
Look how silent it is:) 1912 Library of Congress image:
Grand Central Station 1946:
Grand Central Station Library of Congress images 40s:
A link to some information on the grand opening of Grand Central.
If these walls could really talk?
This is the era of when Grand Central first opened. I believe this is just outside.
Look how silent it is:) 1912 Library of Congress image:
Fancy lunch here 1912! Library of Congress image:
Grand Central Station 1946:
Grand Central Station Library of Congress images 40s:
I thought the above image was so interesting that this past summer I did a blog post where I planted myself in the image because I really wanted to go on a train ride in the 40s. Can you see me?
Can you believe in 1947, over 65 million people ( 40% of the US population) traveled the rails via Grand Central? Amazing!
Grand Central 1946 Corbis image
I used to commute daily into the city and would go through Grand Central. I don't get too many opportunities to get into the city lately.
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